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Vite Environment Variables

Vite Environment Variables are a crucial aspect of Vite, a modern front-end build tool developed by Evan You, the creator of Vue.js. These variables allow developers to manage and control the behavior of their applications in different environments. They are essentially named placeholders for data that can change and are used to customize the behavior of the application based on the current environment, such as development, testing, or production.

The environment variables in Vite are loaded from .env files in your project root. These .env files are not committed to your source control system, as they often contain sensitive information like API keys and database credentials. Instead, you would have a .env.example file that lists all the environment variables your application uses without the actual values.

Vite has a specific way of handling these variables. All variables loaded through .env files are accessible in your Vite application through the import.meta.env object. However, for security reasons, only variables that start with VITE_ are exposed to your Vite application. This prefixing is a crucial aspect to remember when working with Vite environment variables.

For example, if you have a variable named VITE_APP_TITLE in your .env file, you can access it in your Vite application like this: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_TITLE. This approach provides a secure way to use different configurations in your application based on the environment without exposing sensitive data.

In conclusion, Vite Environment Variables are a powerful tool for managing application configurations across different environments. They provide a secure and flexible way to customize the behavior of your application based on the current environment. Understanding and using them effectively can greatly enhance your Vite development experience.