VILT Stack Dictionary

Dive into the essentials of Vite, Inertia.js, Laravel, and Tailwind CSS with the VILT Dictionary. This guide offers detailed definitions and insights, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate the landscape of modern web development confidently.


Advanced Blade Component Communication | Application Performance Monitoring (APM) | Artisan Commands | Blade Slot & Component Aliases | Eloquent API Resources | Multiple Authentication Guards | Package Auto-Discovery Mechanism | Vue 3 API Calls with Axios | Vue Async Components


Broadcast Authorization Channels A80 | Broadcasting | Laravel Blade Component Attributes | Laravel Blade X-components | Laravel Broadcast Events


Artisan Command I/O Handling | Blade Component Anonymous Classes | Cache Tags & Locking | Command Bus | Custom Eloquent Casts | Eloquent Chunking Large Results | Eloquent Collections | Laravel Cashier Subscriptions | Service Container Binding | Tailwind CSS Configuration | Tailwind CSS Custom Plugins | Tailwind CSS Forms Plugin | Vite CSS Code Splitting | Vite Code Splitting | Vue 3 Composition API | Vue 3 Composition Functions | Vue 3 Custom Composables | Vue 3 Custom Directives | Vue Composition API Refs


Database Transaction | Dependency Injection | Laravel Database Factories | Laravel Dusk Browser Testing | Tailwind CSS @apply Directive | Vite Dependency Pre-Bundling | Vue Dynamic Component Binding


Custom Exception Handling | Eloquent Accessors & Mutators | Event Service Provider | Laravel Echo | Laravel Echo Presence Channels | Laravel Event Broadcasting | Vite Environment Variables


Custom Filesystem Drivers | Filesystem Cloud Storage | Vue 3 Fragments | Vue 3 Functional Components


Database Global Scopes | Eloquent Global Scopes


Laravel Horizon Workload Monitoring | Vite Hot Module Replacement


Vite Image Optimization


Laravel Job Batching | Queue Job Chaining | Tailwind JIT Compiler


Database Lazy Loading | Eloquent Local Scopes | Laravel Log Channels | Request Lifecycle Hooks | Vite Legacy Plugin


Eloquent Model Observers | Eloquent Model Serialization | Laravel Mix Versioning | Laravel Multi-Tenancy | Middleware | Middleware Groups | Multi-Database Connections | Multi-Tenant Architecture


Notification Channels


Laravel Octane Swoole/Table | Observer Classes


Eloquent Performance Tuning | Laravel Package Development | Laravel Passport Multi-Auth | Laravel Passport OAuth | Laravel Passport Token Scopes | Laravel Pipeline Processing | Laravel Policy Filters | Policy Auto-Discovery | Polymorphic Relationships | Service Provider Booting | Tailwind CSS Plugins API | Tailwind CSS Purge Options | Vite Plugin Vue JSX | Vite Plugin Vue Reload | Vue 3 Provide/Inject


Eloquent Query Optimization | Laravel Queue System


Advanced Route Model Binding | Dynamic Relationship Queries | Eloquent Relationship Touching | Implicit Route Model Binding | Laravel Rate Limiting | Rate Limiting Middleware | Route Caching | Tailwind CSS Responsive Design | Vue 3 Reactive Watchers | Vue 3 Reactivity System | Vue Reactive Refs


Deferred Service Providers | Laravel Sanctum SPA Auth | Laravel Scheduled Task Output Capturing | Laravel Scout Custom Engines | Laravel Service Providers | Laravel Signed Routes | Laravel Socialite Providers | Scheduled Task Scheduling | Tailwind CSS Screen Variants | Vite SSR Configuration | Vue 3 Setup Method | Vue 3 Suspense


API Throttling | API Token Guard | Throttled Job Processing | Vue 3 Teleport | Vue 3 Template Refs | Vue 3 Transition and Animation | Vue 3 TypeScript Support


Blade View Composers | Custom Validation Rules | Laravel Vapor Deployment | Tailwind CSS Variants


Queue Worker Daemons | WebSockets