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Vue 3 Custom Directives

Vue 3 Custom Directives are a powerful feature in Vue.js 3 that allows developers to attach custom behavior to elements in the DOM. Essentially, they are special attributes with the "v-" prefix that you can add to your HTML elements. When Vue.js compiles the templates, it transforms these directives into pure JavaScript code.

In Vue 3, you can create your own custom directives to encapsulate DOM manipulations. This is particularly useful when you want to reuse certain DOM manipulations across your application. Custom directives in Vue 3 are defined at a global or local level and have several hooks, similar to lifecycle hooks in components, that you can tap into.

The hooks available in Vue 3 custom directives are 'beforeMount', 'mounted', 'beforeUpdate', 'updated', 'beforeUnmount', and 'unmounted'. Each hook is a function that gets called at different stages of the element's lifecycle. For example, the 'mounted' hook is called after the element is inserted into the DOM, and the 'updated' hook is called after the component's VNode and the VNodes of its children have updated.

To define a custom directive in Vue 3, you use the 'directive' method on the Vue instance. You pass in the name of the directive as the first argument and an object with the desired hooks as the second argument. Once a custom directive is defined, you can use it in your templates just like any built-in directive.

In conclusion, Vue 3 Custom Directives provide a way to create reusable code that can manipulate the DOM, making your Vue applications more efficient and maintainable. They offer a high level of customization and control, making them a valuable tool in any Vue developer's toolkit.