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Vue 3 Transition and Animation

Vue 3 Transition and Animation refers to the built-in transition components and animation capabilities in Vue.js version 3, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. These features allow developers to add smooth transitions and animations to elements or components when they are inserted, updated, or removed from the Document Object Model (DOM).

In Vue 3, the transition component is used to automatically apply transition effects when elements are toggled. It provides hooks for different stages of the transition, allowing developers to control the duration, delay, and type of transition. The transition component can be used with CSS transitions, CSS animations, and JavaScript functions.

Vue 3 also supports the Web Animations API, which provides a more powerful and flexible way to create animations. This API allows developers to animate any property of an element, not just those that can be animated with CSS. It also provides better control over the timing and sequencing of animations.

In addition, Vue 3 introduces the use of the 'v-animate' directive for simpler animations. This directive can be used to animate elements when they are inserted or removed from the DOM, without the need for a transition component.

Understanding Vue 3 Transition and Animation is crucial for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. It allows developers to enhance the user experience by adding visual feedback, guiding attention, and creating a sense of continuity as users interact with the application.